School Site Council (SSC)

EVMCHS School Site Council (SSC)

 What is SSC?

The SSC is an elected decision-making group comprised of parents, community members, site administrators, teachers and other staff. At the secondary level, students are included. The SSC has an ongoing responsibility to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the site plan. The SSC also oversees all the categorical and Local Control funds such as Title I, Second Language and GATE as indicated in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Local Control Accountability Plan  (LCAP) which is revised every year with input from site stakeholders (SSC) through the District Advisory Council (DAC). All schools are required to have an SSC and are encouraged to have their community represented at DAC meetings. Contact your site administrator or SSC chair if you are interested in joining. Meeting schedules for SSC and DAC are available below.

Note: All SSC meetings are currently being conducted via Zoom. Meetings updates, links and information will be sent home each month prior to the scheduled meeting. SSC/DAC meetings are open to all. 

2023-2024 SSC Council Members

Mitchell Booz | Principal

Evelyn Morales | SSC Chair

Kendra Madden | SSC/Vice Chair

Christy Holly | Secretary 

Andre Maglalang | DAC Representative

Robert Petersen | Parent Representative

LouAnn Garcia | Parent Representative

Neelu Nemati | Student Representative

Hugo Miramontes | Student Representative

Dayanara Moreno| Student Representative


SSC Information and Agendas/Meeting Minutes


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